2025 독일 베를린 빌딩관리기술 전시회 [CMS]
청소기계, 세제, 청소 및 정비기술, 바닥청소, 건물청소, 건물유지보수, 건물관리 및 서비스, 건물보안경비 Cleaning Machines, Detergents, Cleaning Technology, Commercial Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Repair, Maintenance, Facility Management, Services, Industrial Hygiene, Industrial Health and Safety, Hygiene, Protective Clothing, Special Show, Work Clothes, Batteries, Chemical Products, Consulting, Disinfections, Disposal, craft, Lifting Platforms, Hygienics, IT Services, Municipal Vehicles, Hospital Supplies, Paper Products, Sanitäry Supplies, Protective Equipment, Road Cleaning, Winter Road Services, Prevention of Falls
건축&기자재, 기계&장비, 환경&폐기물
Berlin ExpoCenter City 독일, 베를린